
Batman Bombs

Batman BombsYesterday’s workout with Liza Jane! We both had to do the 800m batman bomb & the rest on the list, we split.

And no, I don’t normally row with an underhand grip, I just changed my grip for a sec in a photoshoot (this is an old pic; obviously not from yesterday’s workout where I was beet-red by the time I got to the row!).

What are Batman Bombs???  Well here you go! You run while holding a 14lb medicine ball over your head (20lbs for the guys).

What holds you back?

What holds you back more.. Fitness, eating, or mindset?

As a stress eater & a very busy mom, wife and business owner.. I’m not perfect with my eating or fitness (or anything) ..I mess up a LOT.. I just work very hard, mentally, to turn weakness & defeat into opportunities to learn & grow. And I only allow pity parties to last for minutes.. Not days or weeks. That’s a decision & commitment to myself. Remove all that pressure & that perfectionist mindset, k ?!

April 26 the space between

Team Hardcore Trip to Cancun

April 18 Cancun If the pics of Cancun were annoying, my apologies. But I bet for SOMEONE, they sparked inspiration in some way

Team & friends & BB.. Thank you for everything!
April 18 Cancun Group shot

Boot Camp Schedule

Week 1 Boot Camp Schedule

Week 1 of my 3-week BOD Hybrid. Is there a day you’d DREAD?

Details of why I’m putting this together over on my like page in case you’re interested.

Boot Camp Schedule

Challenge Yourself

I dare you to challenge yourself  TODAY to do a little more than you normally do. When I workout, even if i’m DOGGIN’ it, I still feel like it’s challenging, ..but don’t let that you fool you into believing you can’t or shouldn’t try to DO MORE… up your weights today, or do a few more reps or sets, increase the speed of your run, or hit rewind on the HIITs.. test your perceived limits today! 🙂 #TricepPush ups… love to hate!