
February Leaders

February LeadersWOW. I have SO MUCH respect for these coaches; my fit family and friends who are KILLIN IT in their businesses!!💥💥💥

Do you know someone here?
Can you take a second to give them congrats??

These are women (& Ryan Luhning😉), who have made a decision to help others while they’re on their OWN personal journey too💪. Many are moms (& a Dad) and most started off fitting this in on top of a demanding full time job. But many of the Top Leaders have resigned their full time jobs simply because they can.

Leading takes courage, it takes vision, it takes developing a thick skin, it takes integrity, it takes compassion ..and all of these amazing coaches are role models in leadership every day!

New week, new motivation, new goals!

New_weeek_new_goalsWhat are they??  Click here to go to my page and tell us please! 🙏It will help keep you accountable!

Message me if you don’t have a coach & feel frustrated with your results. I’ve hit & overcome MANY plateaus in my life so hopefully I can help👍

What keeps you going??

InspireI stay inspired because I know I’ve committed to inspiring & educating others for a living (wouldn’t have it any other way) & I know I personally am not feeling my best unless I’m DOING my best –it’s not easy & it’s NOT convenient, I slip up daily, but it’s worth it!💓 You all keep me accountable & inspired💥!

Thank you!🙏😘
It was awesome to SEE & WORKOUT WITH SOME OF YOU at the super saturday event👊.


p.s. For more fitness inspiration, healthy eating inspiration, workouts & videos, see my LIKE page.



YOU_DID_IT!!!!!!Just got the call from Corporate!! We finished as an Elite Team AGAIN!! Top 20 in the Company twice & 3x Top 10.
All the workouts, sweaty selfies, and work that no one sees, it MATTERS!
You inspire ME and I learn from you all every day! Thank you, thank you 🙏😘! ‪#‎EveryONEMatters‬

Do your teens need off-season training??

training_for_kids_Dale Sheppard is a husband, a Dad, a BB coach on my team, manages a gym and offers training to young athletes and adults (in the Toledo area).

If you’re interested in all that he has to offer you or your kids, I highly recommend you friend request him & message him👍

Do you know one of these faces??

Please help me give huge congrats to these Leaders who help others in fitness every day, while they’re on their own fitness journey!

I’m SO proud of this team and all they’ve accomplished this fall !! They all come from different paths but all have one thing in common.. they love teaching and helping others even though they may be enduring their own personal struggles. They put excuses aside and they work thru whatever is put in their path. They give others hope and vision for what the future can hold. They lead with integrity and compassion!!


Build your body while you build your business

Ohioans & Michiganders–Can you believe the weather this first week of November????

🍂Gorgeous fall day & thankful I got to enjoy it, but that freedom is something I’ve worked hard to obtain.

You can build your body while you build your business ..even if you work full time and/or are busy with the kids.

No, it’s not easy. It takes effort & a willingness to learn. Your success depends on what you want to put into it. BUT I TEACH YOU EVERYTHING I KNOW📝– What you do is up to you.

In case anyone is in disbelief of the legitimacy of this being a worthwhile business to pursue, I have several millionaire coaches of all ages, personalities & body-types, who have Success not Stress, to prove my trainings & this Beachbody Coaching business works (for those who learn, apply & stay consistent long-term). It’s certainly not a get-rich-quick thing.
But what’s cool is that NONE of them set out to make a bunch of money with this and they’re the most giving people you’ll ever meet👬👭👭👬.

This is not about becoming a salesperson (or you’d see Beachbody stuff all over my account).
Non-Coaches & U.S/Canadian residents only.
If you have a Coach, please contact them regarding the opportunity. I don’t take away from other coaches.😊


Fall Weather

Team Hardcore throwback!

Why NOT give this business a shot or at least look into it further?? I only ask this because this business is such a GIFT!

If you follow me, you know Beachbody Coaching & my team has changed my life and my family’s life in such a positive way.. BEYOND my own comprehension Chalene told me about this business and I honestly was skeptical until I did my own research; thought it was about sales, thought it was too good to be true, ..and as a Mom who was working more than full-time hours, I assumed I didn’t have TIME. I was wrong though.

Seeing this pic of my leaders from a few years ago and knowing how much we’ve all grown & stuck together is just awesome! And i’m EXCITED to see NEW people who are joining now, who have SO much potential to develop into Leaders!

It’s amazing to be connected with so many people on the same page, and to be able to make this opportunity as big as you want it to be, on flexible, stay-at-home hours. Why NOT you??

I know .. you probably think you need to be at your ideal weight first, and you don’t. PROGRESS is what’s relate-able to most people because they are NOT seeing progress themselves. Perfection is NOT where it’s at with this. And you make more progress once you become a coach; the role itself builds in accountability for you smile emoticon

You might think you’ll have to push products on people and you’ll never be asked to do that.. not on team; that’s never my approach because it’s not cool; being pushy doesn’t work anyway and being good at making sales is not at all what drives your success.

You don’t know HOW to start or how to become successful ..but I teach you EVERYTHING I know from the start and ongoing.

It’s $39.95 to join and the $15.95/month for the website Beachbody sets up FOR YOU. No other fees are required but it’s definitely recommended that you believe in, and incorporate, Beachbody programs/products.

If you are not a coach, and don’t have a Coach you’ve worked with click here and go to my home page. Fill out the and submit your info so I can get you the information you need to get started.

We can see if this would be a good fit for you. Unfortunately, this is only available in the US and Canada right now.

Do something you love!!

Team Hardcore Throwback

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

I was talking about this pic with my Diamond-Bound team.. It says it all!

Is there one that trips you up?

Imagine you are always right there & keep going.. Because at some point you WILL be right there.

Just A Few Reasons People Give Up:

  • Comparing to Others
  • Not believing it’s possible
  • Negative Self-Talk
  • Lack of Accountability & group support; feeling alone in the pursuit
  • Unrealistic expectations about the time & effort it takes
  • Blaming others & situations
  • Aiming for perfection vs progress

Watch out for these frustrating, quitting triggers! Quiet the noise around you 🙉🙈 & get focused 🎯


Never give up