
Who pushes you to be your best?

Who Pushes youIt’s hard to believe we met when we were 12. I thought he was so cool because he was hilarious, super athletic, & smart. Now Matt & I have been married over 20 years, we’re best friends, we’re stillll pushing each other & most importantly, making each other laugh

Here was our WOD yesterday while the boys did T25
30 minutes
Do as many rounds as possible … We did 4 rounds. FIRST, warm up!
1/2 mile Run/sprint
25 Thrusters (65 Lb Barbell)
25 box jumps

Poolside Fun

Awesome morning!
Did a KILLER FUN 6:45am ‎spinclass‬ with my sister Chalene Johnson at turbobff’s spin studio – LOCO Cycle! Now for family time at the pool with the kids

Poolside fun

Spring weather is FINALLY here in Ohio !!!

I’m doing a Beach Body Bootcamp Challenge for the new coaches who join me by FRIDAY April 10th with any Challenge Pack purchase made as they enroll (& that purchase waives your $39.95 start-up fee).

Email me at if you’re considering joining as a Coach & are NOT already working with a coach

Spring is here

What’s your soul mate workout???

Btw, tickets are almost sold out for the Grand Rapids, Michigan Super *Sunday* (coach training + I’ll teach Turbo) hosted by Leslie Merriman Kortes! Over 400 tickets sold already & the last bunch is expected to go fast.

Super Sunday

Who do you Compete with?

Only compete against that inner voice that tells you “you can’t do/be that”…shut that liar down

Deal ???

Who do you compete with?

Be Your Best Coach

You are your motivation and You are your solution.
Click Below to play Video.
Be your Best Coach

It’s In The Not Knowing That We Get Stuck

Not in the knowingTrue, right?!
…Because what if you act on it & you fail?! The path to success involves failures & mistakes.. In fitness & in business. You will probably suck at first & wanna quit at times! You need to expect that as “experience” & be ok with that. My own personal successes are a direct result of my own personal DAILY failures. Being afraid to fail is perfectly ok, but NOT taking baby steps THRU the fear is not ok… If u want to live your life by design.

Mind over Matter

When you lift, how many sets do you do? How many reps do you normally do?

When you start to feel like you can’t do another rep, pump out 3-4 more controlled reps with your best form.. even after you’ve hit the # of reps the video does!

You have to hit that point of muscle failure to make progress, not just fatigue.
mind over matter

Random Non Fitness Tip

Random TipReturn Facebook messages, texts, emails, write blog & fb posts..all from your smart phone using your voice to text feature – the little microphone on your phone’s keyboard -to type what you’re saying! Are you using this feature??? Is it only for iPhones?

It saves me SO much time! My sis Chalene Johnson gave me the tip a long time ago!

Yes, you have to proof it to make sure it typed your words properly () but it’s so much faster than typing it out on your phone! You can even say words at the end of sentences like “exclamation point” or “question mark” ..and you can even say “smiley” and it will insert a smiley face!

Maybe it’s just me, but I sometimes get overwhelmed with the number of texts, Fb messages and emails I need to return!

I love using apps like Hey Tell and Voxer too but not everyone has those apps!

p.s. And find a spot behind a deserted building to return your messages! Obviously this picture is staged!

Balanced Pushing

Are results really 80% nutrition, 20% exercise? What do you think??Idk the exact % but there’s no question nutrition is a huge factor.

But that said…

Execrcise does moreWhen you push yourself physically to do what your brain says you don’t have the time or energy to do, you start valuing what you CAN become as a person, with hard work.
When you achieve something physically, you’ve also just achieved something mentally.

It’s extremely empowering.

Becoming fit doesn’t require that you beat up your body, I think we all know that by now. Just eating right & moderate exercise daily can lead to a healthy life.

BUT.. accomplishing something physically *challenging* puts you in a positive frame of mind.
And when you’re in a positive frame of mind, you handle stress better, you sleep better, you like and respect your body better, you like other PEOPLE better, and you EAT better
So… I’m not so sure exercise is only 20% of the full equation