
No-equipment – Quick 18-minute HIIT

Where’s everyone been working out? The gym or home? Or both?⁣

Here’s a no-equipment, quick 18-minute HIIT you can do anywhere or tack on to your lifting workout! ⁣

⏰Use the Interval Timer app⁣
⏱1-minute each followed by 15 sec rest⁣

🔥Jump Squats⁣
🔥Modified Burpee⁣
🔥Sumo Squat to lunge⁣
🔥Back kick to jack⁣
🔥Speed skaters

Be Patient – Results are Coming

What was your workout today?!

I did a lift workout + a 30-minute spin! 🚲

If you’re doing all the right things and being HONEST with yourself, then just be patient & grateful for the journey. Results are coming my friend ☝🏼💯🤩👏🏼

“Do you ONLY do BB workouts?”

“Do you ONLY do BB workouts?”

I do them a LOT but no, I do other workouts too!

I’ve been in fitness since before BB was born. I love creating workouts and I love challenging myself with new things.

I do most (not all) of the new programs released so that I can speak honestly about them and help match you to one based on your needs and likes!

I have to admit, a GroupX instructor for 20+ yrs, I’m usually VERY RESISTANT to anything *I* wouldn’t normally do in one of MY classes 🤔 , but with each program, I’m always forced out of my comfort zone in some way that ultimately leads to new strength, flexibility or a much needed change to my routine.

I’ll be honest if a program isn’t my favorite or if I think you should hybrid two programs together or do my #Bodapalooza hybrid.

And I’ll also be honest that no matter what workouts you’re doing, your nutrition will have a bigger impact on your results.

As much as I love creating my own workouts and love teaching, I ALSO love being able to just press play, let it be MY time, & NOT have to commute.

I’m done in 30-60 minutes and can get on with my DAY💫

Would you do this workout?

Would you do this one?? Intensity is controlled by YOU:

1. 3 min run (70-80% max speed)
2. 30 kettlebell swings
3. 15 decline pushups
4. 30 toe touches on step
5. 15 kettlebell push jerks ea arm
6. 30 up, up, down, down stair runs
7. 15 tricep dips or tricep pushups
Took me about 25 min. That 3rd Round was SLOW for me 😅 You doin it???

Workout Variety

Yes I have a Peloton! I also run, row, CrossFit, and make up my own workouts.

I just LOVE different things; fitness is like a sport to me!

I LOVE to mix things up in between BB programs.

I think there’s this misconception that you can’t be a BB coach unless that’s the ONLY workouts you ever do.

Nothing wrong with it if it IS all you do. And there’s nothing wrong if that’s NOT the only thing you ever do.

Right?! 🤷🏼‍♀️☺️🙌🏼

Maintain Strength with Lower Body Injury

When you have a lower body injury, feet/ankle issues or can’t jump and do the typical lunges & Plyometrics for your leg day, here are just a FEW ideas to maintain strength in your lower body!

Is this helpful?
There are so many more but these are some I did as I was nursing my torn calf a year ago.
If you’ve resigned to the fact that you just have “bad knees” ..please don’t just assume you need to settle for that. Your lack of proper nutrition could be playing a HUGE role in inflammation, lack of collagen, toxins not being flushed & general healing & mobility. Also, a big no-no & bad for your joints and mobility .. sitting for prolonged periods!
How long have you been sitting where you are now🙈?

Non-annoying Cardio Interval

I think one of the reasons people don’t love cardio is because it’s either too monotonous, or if it’s a HIIT or intense cardio interval, sometimes the moves are downright awkward and annoying (hard, but annoying/awkward to do). Are u with me?!?
So this is a cardio interval (can be done as a HIIT if u take short breaks and are ALL IN during the interval) of non-annoying but intense moves.
Well.. “annoying/awkward” is subject to debate but I personally think these pass the test 👊🏼
6 moves 1 minute each! 3-4 Rounds
1. Burpee into alternating lunge
2. Speed Skaters
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Jack with alternating front kick
5. Side lunge into knee +high punch
6. Ski jumps

Be sure to warm up & do dynamic stretches first!!☝🏼😁

Traveling & need a quick body-weight strength training workout?

(Warm Up first)

💪🏼20 Squats
💪🏼20 Decline Pushups (shown)
💪🏼20 Jumping or walking lunges
💪🏼20 Tricep Dips off bench/stair
💪🏼20 Bicycle Abs
💪🏼20 Traditional pushups
💪🏼20 Sumo Squat Jumps
💪🏼1 minute plank on elbows
💪🏼20 Superman lifts

Repeat as time & fitness level permits 😉

A workout to try

I can’t share the workouts I’m doing from this Pilot test group…

BUT ☝🏼I know a bunch of you will be starting Liift4 tomorrow 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼 (which is lifting 4x/week with some fat burning HIITs built in 🔥) so IF you want me to post some cardio circuits that I typically mixed in on other days, say the word! I 💗sharing my workouts!

After warming up, 4 Rounds of :
1️⃣ 1 minute bench hops
2️⃣ 1 minute banded squat jumps
3️⃣ 1 minute burpee w/weight
4️⃣ 1 minute Mtn Climbers
5️⃣ 10 Narrow/wide Power Push-ups (modify as needed)

☝🏼These workouts aren’t for everyone. You know your fitness levels and limitations best😉


Warm up for the warm up?

☝🏼😳When you have to warm up for the warm up, you know the workout is another level 🔥🔥🔥

Workouts aren’t just calorie and fat burners.. they’re MENTAL challenges, personal development and therapy wrapped into one gift you can give yourself daily 🎁

Am I right or am I right ?! 🙌🏼😁