
Never never take your health & fitness for granted

It’s Thursday night & we avoided Pizza ! How about you?! For some reason, we crave pizza on Thursdays more than any other night… why is this???

And yes, I know this hollowback needs a more hollow back the wall climber needs to probably get even closer to the wall, & the handstand push-ups are barely a couple inches (..workin on it!)

But I am SO grateful I can even attempt these things. Never never take your health & fitness for granted

Run + Delts

Ok, so today was…..
• 3-min fast-paced run
•12 shoulder presses each arm
•12 front deltoid raises each arm (shown here)
• 25 Tricep dips to give the shoulders a tiny break
• 12 lateral/side deltoid raises
…repeat the whole thing starting with the 3-minute run
4 times thru! . Takes <25min

Please forgive my slight swinging ..I filmed this AFTER my workout (always film after so it’s not an interruption) & my shoulders were already TOAST!

Doing anything for just one minute seems do-able…

I like these because mentally doing anything for just one minute seems do-able, right?!

It’s all what YOU want to put into it I used 65# for the thrusters, 35# Kettlebell & 10# plate for the Lunges Be sure to modify as needed, warmup, cooldown & STRETCH!

Practicing hang cleans to the beat

Me & my twin practicing hang cleans to the beat .. just because

Ab workout – to the beat!

Ab work to the beat = more fun right???

Build the muscle and burn the fat!

I hear all the time .. “I want to build *lean* muscle” … well muscle IS lean body mass; there is no such thing as building fat muscles. Build the muscle & burn the fat. I know, easier said than done!

And yeah, sometimes this means the scale will play tricks on you as your body composition is changing (as you start to gain muscle & lose fat).

So take pics, measure & be patient. And yes, building muscle helps burn the fat faster (because the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn).

How To: Push-ups

Ok, permission to brag…. How many push-ups can you do consecutively?!

If you or someone you know struggles to do push-ups on their feet, please share…

1. Work on push-ups from the knees
2. Then progress to being on your toes & lowering down SLOWLY (building strength on the eccentric portion of the movement is key) then switch to your knees to push back up & repeat.
3. Then try a combo of hand release push ups & on-your-toes push-ups until you can do a full set on your toes

Chalene’s PiYo Crew

What was YOUR workout this morning?

Here’s Chalene’s PiYo crew from this morning’s super workout!!

Such an amazing experience to be on that stage & work out with 20,000 people LIVE!

Structure or Intuition?

What’s your preference?
Structure & guidelines ..or being intuitive ?

You’ve heard of intuitive eating? Well I do intuitive exercising. In other words, each day my workout is dependent on what I feel I need ..but also taking into consideration what I *want* to do, what makes me feel accomplished or happy, my time constraints that day, and my goals – which are not all just physical or aesthetic.

This does NOT work for everyone (just like intuitive eating doesn’t work for everyone. No one particular way of eating works for everyone). In fact, women I help daily actually really THRIVE on having structure- a calendar to follow, with workouts & food guidelines laid out. No need for analyzing & decisions, & they get amazing results just the same . It’s a matter of personal preference (…but experience & knowledge is a key factor because not everyone knows how to design, or how to perform, their own effective workouts). So I ask again..

What’s YOUR preference ?

Super fit even with doctor’s restrictions

I finally got another pic of Matt! 😁

He’s proof you can be super fit even if your Doctor tells you you’re not supposed to do any more HIIT workouts or heavy lifting 😨..which is what he always did! He found out a couple years ago he has a genetic issue with his heart valve ..but that hasn’t stopped him from the cardio & lifting that he CAN do, within the Dr’s guidelines.

He has to stick to *steady+ state* cardio, light weights w/high reps (but the key is he goes to true muscle failure) & NUTRITION. He’s a cleaner eater than me (& it shows!😆)