
World’s Smallest Ice Cream Sandwich

And here we have the Worlds Smallest Ice Cream Sandwich Look at the size compared to a raspberry
So much for my exciting Friday night treat

Bret’s Salad

So awesome to have Chalene & Bret here!! Bret made this amazing salad ! I added avocado & tessemaes avocado dressing to mine

Gimme all the avocado


Wild Planet Tuna With Hummus

This is Wild Planet tuna with stone ground mustard & hummus on a toasted Ezekiel muffin

Be smart about sweeteners

I’m sure you already know this but beware of the protein supplements and so called “health” supplements that have artificial sweeteners that may upset your stomach.

For example, protein bars with maltitol do that for me. Everyone is different as to what their system can tolerate & at what stage of “clean eating” they have achieved. At the same time, beware of natural sweeteners that will actually spike your insulin and cause cravings. Just know what you’re consuming & the effects.

If you’re unsure if something you’re using to sweeten things is spiking your insulin and causing cravings after a meal or snack, ask a Nutritionist or Google it

Tempeh is healthy

You like???

This is hard boiled eggs, guacamole, hummus & tempeh.

And yes, Tempeh is healthy. It’s not your average soy product found in many protein bars & so-called “health” foods, which should be avoided. It’s *fermented* which is key, organic, and certified non-GMO made by Lightlife. Maybe all Tempeh’s aren’t certified non-gmo ..I don’t know.. but this kind I buy is.

To prep this, I put it in a pan (after dicing) with coconut oil, Braggs Liquid Aminos & Flavor God seasoning (usually “lemon & garlic).

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Clean Treat

Call them “fat bombs” or “super food bites” ..whatever, they’re 1g sugar (organic cane), nothing artificial, nutrient dense, healthy fats, & amazing.

1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 Scoop Vegan Vanilla ShakeO
2 Tablespoon Almond Butter
2 Tablespoon Almond Milk
Mix, ball & freeze. Makes ~7 balls

Veggie burger with Cucumber Feta Dip

What’s the approach to eating you prefer?? IIFYM, 131 Diet , Vegan, Paleo, Whole30, HFLC, Portion Fix, Intuitive, 80/20 rule… ? Or clueless?

Btw, this was SO good! Veggie burger with Cucumber Feta Dip & tomatoes on toasted Ezekiel muffin

Trader Joes Cauliflower Pizza Crust

We overcooked Trader Joes cauliflower pizza crust but apparently we needed to bake it longer & also directly on the rack to make it crispier. I thought it was decent, especially given all my fav toppings but Matt & Ty were NOT impressed & would like to order real pizza now

Half the battle is not buying it!

Honeycrisp Apple & cinnamon for a nighttime snack! I was thissss close to eating something bad but we didn’t have anything delicious enough in the house .

Im tellin ya.. if you can have the discipline to NOT buy it, that’s more than half the battle

limit splurges

Limit splurges to times that are actually worth it

Take out chopped salad from Subway with egg whites as the protein.

Don’t judge .. I know subway’s veggies aren’t organic but Subway is 2 seconds from our house & until our temporary kitchen is set up during this construction, things like this will get me & the family thru!

It would’ve been easy to just order a sub with cheese, high sodium meat & fluffy white bread .. but I’m glad I refrained There will be times I splurge (like probably tonight) but limiting splurges to times that are actually worth it, is key

limit splurges