
No-equipment – Quick 18-minute HIIT

Where’s everyone been working out? The gym or home? Or both?⁣

Here’s a no-equipment, quick 18-minute HIIT you can do anywhere or tack on to your lifting workout! ⁣

⏰Use the Interval Timer app⁣
⏱1-minute each followed by 15 sec rest⁣

🔥Jump Squats⁣
🔥Modified Burpee⁣
🔥Sumo Squat to lunge⁣
🔥Back kick to jack⁣
🔥Speed skaters

Killer Quick Cardio Interval

Here’s a killer quick cardio interval to SAVE! Does it look easy?! I don’t know how it looks but it CRUSHED me!😅 Warm up first & ⚠️ do NOT do dumbbell snatches if you don’t know how.. do weighted squats into an overhead press if that feels more comfortable. It takes 21:30 & I did it after a shoulder lift💪🏼

Send me a message here if you need help with a lifting routine .

1 minute each
After each FULL Round, rest 30 seconds

4 ROUNDS⭕️⭕️⭕️⭕️
1 Min Burpee Lunge
1 Min high knee hop overs
1 Min Scissor Abs (not shown)
1 Min Dumbbell Snatches
1 Min Bench Plyo Straddles

Quick Full Body HIIT

Do you prefer videos with music or … is your sound usually off?

Here’s a quick full body HIIT I did!

Warning ⚠️ Go light on weights as you’ll do higher reps with this one. It takes about 15’ish minutes if you take a little “set up” break between drills:

1️⃣1 minute Barbell or dumbbell Push Presses (go light!)
2️⃣1 minute Barbell or dumbbell bent over row
3️⃣1 minute squatting side to side touching bench; other hand on thigh to support your back. Keep chest up
4️⃣1 minute push-ups moving to each side of bench
5️⃣1 minute squatting side to side (again)
6️⃣1 minute tricep push ups on knees (take breaks as needed)

Non-annoying Cardio Interval

I think one of the reasons people don’t love cardio is because it’s either too monotonous, or if it’s a HIIT or intense cardio interval, sometimes the moves are downright awkward and annoying (hard, but annoying/awkward to do). Are u with me?!?
So this is a cardio interval (can be done as a HIIT if u take short breaks and are ALL IN during the interval) of non-annoying but intense moves.
Well.. “annoying/awkward” is subject to debate but I personally think these pass the test 👊🏼
6 moves 1 minute each! 3-4 Rounds
1. Burpee into alternating lunge
2. Speed Skaters
3. Mountain Climbers
4. Jack with alternating front kick
5. Side lunge into knee +high punch
6. Ski jumps

Be sure to warm up & do dynamic stretches first!!☝🏼😁

Quick Cardio Interval (1-Min Each)

Here’s a quick one for ya!

Warm up first & pick weights that are challenging & make sense for you.

Quick HIIT Workout

What’s your go-to for a HIIT workout??

I love adding a quick HIIT onto my lift at least a few times a week. Sometimes it’s 20+ minutes, sometimes it’s under 10 minutes. It doesn’t have to be long (just intense) and it doesn’t have to be high impact. Low impact can still be high intensity in terms of heart rate.

HITT Workout: Booty & Legs

A quick HIIT that works the booty and legs! 3 times thru!! 10 second break between rounds (your Tricep Dips and push-ups are your active recovery).

Would you give it a shot & let me know your feedback???

I also did a biceps & triceps lift sesh
(include warmup, cooldown & stretch).


quick hiit

Quick HIIT

What was your workout today??

I just did one round of this today, in addition to my lifting, but I’d say most of you would want to do 2-3 rounds! One round takes 10 minutes (duh obviously)

If you don’t have access to a rower, do a 1-min sprint or 1-minute of mountain climbers instead (anything that drives your heart rate up in 1 minute). Always warmup first

quick hiit

16 minute HIIT

16 Minute HIIT

Tag a friend and do it tomorrow at the gym??

I did a mini version of my “jenelleslegday” before this HIIT. So ~30 minutes lower body lifting + this

16 minute HIIT

Do you prefer cardio or lifting??

I really like both, averaging about 20-30min of each, about 6 days/week. So yah, no more than 1 hour a day devoted to working out… & some days it’s just a quick HIIT or crossfit WOD & nothing else. There’s no doubt though that if you DO want to build muscle, you don’t need to do as much cardio as I do. I just happen to LIKE cardio for clearing my head & the endorphin rush. And I like feeling like I have the endurance & cardio fitness to keep up with my son & husband on a run 🏃‍♀️or bike ride🚴🏻.