
Are you always early or always late?

Are you always early or always late?
Why does time move so fassst?! I hate being late yet I admit I’m late a LOT! Please ..lie to me about the time🙏🏻☺️.
If Matt says “you need to leave the house in 5 minutes or you’ll be late”, my brain goes

.. “ok awesome, I’ve got time to send 1 more email”

but then someone comes to the door,

then I realize I left the flat iron on in the bathroom 🔌

oops now I see the dogs have no water 🐾 ,

I better grab a snack 🍫 , and

“oh CRAP, if I don’t reply to the text NOW, I’ll never remember & she’ll think I’m ignoring her😲!”
I know people tend to believe late people are late on purpose or that they think their time is more important …but I can assure you☝🏼I definitely do NOT think that AT ALL. It definitely stresses me out to be late, but it still happens🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
One tip I’ve learned from Chalene, place lil clocks EVERYWHERE ⏰ & set them ahead.

Are You Pursuing Your Ideal Life?

I used to sleep with a tennis racket next to my bed in case I was attacked by a bat🦇
Let me explain ..and first please know, my parents gave me an AMAZING childhood with love, lessons & belief in myself!
But when I was in 1st grade, we had moved into a 100-year old Victorian home/mansion that had been trashed; everything inside broken, smelly, rats, mice, bats. It had 3 floors, elevators, a ballroom, 6 chimneys (perfect for bats) and again, it had been trashed by previous owners.
My parents wanted to restore the house to its original state.
In the years of restoration of this house, we had break-ins, my bedroom window was shot-3 bullet holes, my dad’s van was stolen from our driveway, constant battling w/bats- I remember dad attempting to kill a bat flying over my little brother napping😮, my parents cars vandalized & the list goes on.
In the coming years we were on the news for the amazing restoration mom & dad had done and I *think* we may have been perceived as “rich”. I don’t know. I didn’t care about money, I just wanted safety & normalcy.
When we moved years later, we had no money and moved into a small house in a normal neighborhood.. ahh, my basic need for safety was met!! (except for aggressive fights with Chalene🤼‍♀️😆)
But I’m so grateful for that 6 yrs of my life bcuz it taught me SO much!
Sometimes someone will say to me, “I know this will sound weird to you but I’m not motivated by money” .. as if *i* am🤔
Believe me, I’ve been poor and rich and back & forth thru my life. I know full well that money doesn’t buy happiness☺️
It’s the small things.. being home when my son gets off school, having control of my schedule, working my passion, living each day not just weekends. Earning the money to be able to make choices for myself & my family is a major bonus. Gratitude at every stage is KEY.
Stay consistent, surround yourself with an awesome FitSister tribe🤸🏼‍♂️🏄‍♀️🧘🏼‍♀️ who empowers you to be better, don’t even TRY to please everyone or DO every thing, leverage your strengths & trust the ups & downs🎢 of your path are necessary!
What’s your IDEAL life ….& are you pursuing that??

Whose cup are you filling?

I’m realizing I LOVE to learn! 👩‍💻🤓

That probably sounds ironic coming from someone who probably comes across as “flighty”🙃 and who didn’t enjoy school or college much…. but I freakin LOVE to learn about nutrition, how our bodies work/heal/perform, real life human behavior & BUSINESS (that was my degree but I felt it wasn’t REAL WORLD stuff I was learning then).
Nothing against school or obtaining higher degrees but it’s INCREDIBLE how much you learn when you’re super passionate about the subject & you’re trial-and-error-LIVING the lessons☺️ …annnnd you get to share it with others.
If you feel empty, maybe you’re filling everyone else’s cup but your own ☕️ ☕️ ☕️

Don’t self destruct.

Don’t self destruct.

You know you can do whatever you set your mind to and sometimes setting your focus on something like getting the healthiest you’ve ever been in your life is the catalyst to success in so many other areas of your life. Right??

So set your goals, plan your attack, and show yourself you’re in control and worth it & the slip-ups are simply learning experiences

Do you negotiate with yourself on things?

As soon as i _____, then I’ll be ready to ________!

Do you negotiate with yourself on things?

When i first got on IG, I only posted my food🍏🥙🥦🍓, then my wise but bossy, older sister Chalene 😝 told me people need to SEE you in order to connect with you & then be inspired by you.

So then I started posting a dark pic here & there 👤😆and honestly, that’s WAY easier now but still selfies are not my favorite (but SO worth it to do what I do).

Then once other fitness professionals started posting videos, I said, “oh no way! once I have a 6-pack, then I’ll post videos on IG☝☺️” Haha… good thing I didn’t wait ! I shut that voice down & put my big girl pants on (well my high-waisted lululemons that is☺️) & posted some HIIT workouts which I LOVE to create due to teaching bootcamp for years (capitalize on YOUR strengths & history)!

If I didn’t step out of my comfort zone, which wasn’t comfy anyway- it was stagnant – I wouldn’t be fulfilling my passion and my *responsibility* to help other women in fitness and in business!

So gurrrlll, what are you waiting for?

Don’t wait for the “perfect time” because there will ALWAYS be a million reasons why it might not be the perfect time.

There’s ALWAYS a slew of people smarter, prettier, more qualified, leaner, etc etc but no one has your exact history, experiences, skills or unique strengths. Own that & focus on what you DO have right now. If you’ve got one GOOD reason to act now, go for it and learn as you grow 😁💫

Get out of your own way and go public with your journey

I hear all the time from women who won’t put their fitness/health journey on social media because they fear judgement from friends & family. I get that fear *completely* 💯 . I used to avoid pics, videos & wasn’t on social media📵. What would people think of me?!😧 I’m naturally a more private person.

But people are going to judge NO MATTER WHAT. In fact, the more private you are, the more people seem to ASSUME or make up your story! 😼We all judge, we all GET judged. It’s human nature. The longer you care so much about how others view you, the longer you delay truly living your life.

☝🏼Others don’t know your struggles, they don’t pay your bills, they don’t raise your kids, they don’t know what makes you happy, they don’t know your ideas or have your vision their opinions are based on THEIR experiences & history. How is that even relevant to YOU??? It’s not.

So get outta your own way & go public with your journey. You’ll have more accountability, better results & inspire MORE ..making you more likely to be motivated to continue

Attitude of Gratitude and Success

I’m sitting here enjoying the weather with my pups & reading texts🤓 and messages from my fitness coaches I mentor.

If there’s anything GLARINGLY obvious about those who WILL or HAVE become successful in this business versus those who won’t until they work on personal development, it’s the 🙏🏻attitude of gratitude🙏🏻.

Those who end up becoming successful are the ones who thank you for your time😘, they compliment others even on the really small things🙌🏼, they look for ways they can serve more & better, they use happy emoji’s😁💃🏼to express positivity in their words, they don’t ask “how can this business serve me? prove it” they say “i will use this business as a vehicle to serve others & i’ll prove i’m capable”

To be successful with ANYTHING your mindset will matter most☝🏼

Nothing Grows in Your Comfort Zone

I love that new programs force me to work my muscles from different angles and getting out of my habits of doing just my *favorite* stuff!

The fact that our bodies adapt so quickly to things is a double-edged sword   On the one hand, it’s our body’s way of saying “I’m stronger for you now, I got your back!” and on the other hand it’s saying “but can we just be satisfied & get comfortable here?”

It’s true that nothing grows in your comfort zone I know you KNOW that but we are stubborn & need reminding, right???

Pursue What is Important to YOU

Just love this vacation so far! I’ve been really unplugged aside from a few insta stories but wanted to plug in to social media real quick to share something on my mind. Let me know if you agree or if it helps u in any way.

I think there’s a fine line between focus & pressure. When you’re pursuing something that’s important to YOU, you’ll DECIDE to have focus and your efforts will be consistent.

When you’re pursuing something & it’s truly for someone else, either to please them or prove something, it will feel like pressure & stress.. And success will usually be short-lived or you’ll feel empty once you’ve met your goal.

Whatever you’re pursuing, do it for the reasons important to you. Keep reminding yourself you never give up on what’s important to YOU & every little step matters

Take new steps in the right direction

If you focus more on gaining strength, improving performance, fueling energy, and being grateful for what you DO have and CAN do every step of the way, everything else starts to fall into place. You don’t need to do anything drastic.

Take *new* steps in the right direction every day and you’ll break some new ground. But you’ve got to be patient and trust the process