
Protein Needs

This post isn’t ABOUT coffee, it’s about protein but hang on, it’s related ☝🏼☺️

I’ve come to realize that while it’s true that the “average American” eats a LOT of meat and gets plenty of protein given their activity levels, not EVERYONE falls in this category and some of us have to make a conscious effort to get in protein (quality protein).

I’m in THAT last category👆🏼. I aim to build muscle and if I didn’t make a conscious effort, I wouldn’t consume enough protein to maximize my efforts. In fact, if I could just eat intuitively & didn’t know any better, I think I’d just eat carbs all day🤩 & add in a protein bar & an avocado!

I have literally no desire for things like steak or burgers. Offer me THE BEST steak or a piece of bread, & without question, I’d choose the bread …if nutrition wasn’t a thing😉!

Everyone has different needs for protein as well as all other macro & micro nutrient needs, so I’m NOT here to say YOU need more bcuz YOU might actually need significantly LESS.

But if you’re physically active, you strength train intensely🏋🏼‍♀️ & you KNOW you struggle fitting in protein the way I once did, here’s some of the ways I fit in protein in case it helps:

• 10g Collagen scoop in my afternoon coffee
• 22g in my Vegan Choc Superfood Shake🍫
• 20g in each daily salad or wrap (tempeh, or tuna, ..or no nitrate, no antibiotics, humanely raised meat)
• 20g in my egg scramble/omelet
• 20g in my post-lift 💪🏼shake
• 10g in my bone broth
• 10g in my snack bar
+Plus protein that’s in healthy-fat foods 🙌🏼

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Protein Sources

Protein Sources

This is a question I get asked a LOT, so I thought I’d share

What are your go-tos?

 Protein Sources

Some of my favorite PROTEIN sources

Protein SourcesCan’t see each thing🔍? Just enlarge it👌

I’m a strong believer that each person needs to find what works best for THEM but I get asked a lot how I fit in 100-125g protein per day (I’m only about 5’5″ & weigh probably about 125-128lbs.. I rarely ever weigh myself btw). I follow the recommended guideline for building muscle of .8g-1g of protein per pound of your ideal body weight (in other words, if you are 100 pounds overweight, don’t consume an additional 100g protein per day).

I don’t think these need a description but if you wonder how/why/when I eat them, I’m putting together “A TYPICAL DAY” document of my meals which you can download📥.

Come back to my page here bcuz I’ll have the link to that within the week.

Please let me know if this is helpful 🙏😉