
Behavior I don’t get

high_five_to_those_who_are_niceIf there’s one behavior I don’t get, it’s to try to intimidate others.
If someone doesn’t make eye contact or smile, I try to remind myself they may be shy… Because that’s how I was.
But.. People who intentionally try to intimidate you, ignore you (or look you up and down) & make you feel inferior… why?? That lacks class & in such an obvious way.
It makes them feel better about themselves? I don’t get it..🙈

Every stage

Good morning ‪#‎fitfriends‬! Enjoy every stage of your fitness journey bcuz every day is either a personal win🏆 or an opportunity to learn💡 or laugh 😂.

Long but good read

Make sure its worth itLONG POST ALERT

Everything’s in your past. It’s behind you, learn & progress forward….

The weekend is coming and I’m making plans not only to stay on track, but make progress. I need to after traveling last week and being off my normal schedule for a couple of weeks.

Trust me, I will still have FUN and live *balanced* not perfect.

And believe me, I think it’s necessary and HEALTHY to splurge once in a while – if you’ve seen my “typical day of eating” that’s available on my blog, you know i’m not a perfect eater anyway and I certainly DO enjoy a drink or two when it’s worth it….

…but it’s NOT worth it to me to splurge REGULARLY or drink REGULARLY (every weekend or every night as some do) to be my best as a mom, wife or business leader and I certainly could not perform at my best PHYSICALLY if I did that.. (do you even KNOW how much alcohol slows your metabolism for the minimum 10 hours that a standard drink is in your system and how it affects your nutrition absorption and energy/performance the next day!?!) so it’s just not worth it to me. I have to constantly remind myself of that because it’s SO easy to just give in because everyone else is doing it and because it seems like a GREAT idea at the time!

And then you have everyone and their brother saying “live a little”… Me: “believe me dude, i’m living” I drink and splurge when it’s worth it! But that makes others feel guilty and they’ll make comments, so do your thing and pay no attention.

NOTE: I’m NOT talking about the 1 glass of red wine at night with no added snacks, or the daily small piece of dark chocolate, or your 1 piece of cake annually, or 1-2 drinks on a special date night (but skip the bread!) ..that’s all good & not an issue in my opinion.
So I really hope this isn’t misinterpreted.

But if you can eat whatever you want, drink when you want and have 2 or more every time, and you still excel in your personal life, in your career/business and make progress on your fitness goals too, GREAT (and if that’s the case, you either have amazing genetics, you don’t have kids, or you’re under the age of but that’s not me and maybe that’s your reality too.

Years ago when I was personal training a girl a couple times a week after work, I was frustrated that she wasn’t getting results even though she was working out HARD and tracking her food… a few years later, I saw she had lost about 20 pounds and looked AMAZING. I was so happy for her but also dumbfounded.. why wasn’t *I* able to help her see that transformation? So I asked her “what made the difference for you?” She said “I gave up my Peanut Butter addiction and I stopped drinking. I was drinking every night”. OMG.. she never mentioned the PB addiction nor that she was drinking every night. But that was the culprit!! Drinking is FINE but too much will cause SIGNIFICANT delays in fat burning for at least the next 10 hours, not to mention empty calories and most lose their inhibitions and eat what they want, reduced nutrition absorption, fatigue, sometimes depression and addiction (which causes a whole other list of problems), and more.
We all have different goals, but if you know you need to make a tough change or break a habit, do it!

The struggle will be REAL but the reward will be BIG!!

Aim for new goals that make PROGRESS.
And DO NOT GIVE UP when it gets tough.

I’ve learned I’m happiest when I feel good about my relationships, my lifestyle, and my accomplishments and those accomplishments don’t happen without pushing thru slip-ups, unexpected obstacles, and making some sacrifices that others probably are NOT willing to make.

You have to decide what’s MOST important for YOU to focus on.

Let’s be real with ourselves, make a commitment and follow thru on it so you can be at YOUR personal best.

Sound like a plan???

Be the best you

What you should focus on

What you should focus onAnyone else need the reminder??

One thing I work to improve everyday is my stress management skills💆.

I’m a people pleaser by nature & I always want to do my best work.. But I have to let go of the things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things & let go of the things that are out of my control.

Lets go the extra mile when it matters but avoid sweating the small stuff👍

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

I was talking about this pic with my Diamond-Bound team.. It says it all!

Is there one that trips you up?

Imagine you are always right there & keep going.. Because at some point you WILL be right there.

Just A Few Reasons People Give Up:

  • Comparing to Others
  • Not believing it’s possible
  • Negative Self-Talk
  • Lack of Accountability & group support; feeling alone in the pursuit
  • Unrealistic expectations about the time & effort it takes
  • Blaming others & situations
  • Aiming for perfection vs progress

Watch out for these frustrating, quitting triggers! Quiet the noise around you 🙉🙈 & get focused 🎯


Never give up

Things are not always as they appear

I run and smile like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off.

Run and smile

Soak up what makes you happy

Sunny Puppy LoveTrying to spend as much time outside these days as humanly possible! I know the freezing cold is right around the corner 😝. Take time to soak in the things that make you happy💓 & if you truly cannot find that time, follow my sister Chalene Johnson & her Smart Success videos ..there IS a better way to design your life  I was the most STUBBORN of all & thought I had to work a 9-5.. Which was more like an 8-6. I convinced myself it was fine & it WAS fine- but I knew something was missing. So glad I let “fine” go & took a leap of faith for amazing ✨👊

Discipline is Everything

Well.. It’s almost everything…
We have to stop kidding ourselves with excuses.
If you can work DAILY on conquering your natural temptations, changing your negative beliefs & self talk, you’ll achieve more than you ever dreamed possible..

But most importantly, I think you’ll find who you were meant to be, who you were meant to inspire & how you were meant to live


Discipline is everything

Try Again

Experiencing a rough patch? Debating whether you should give up?

Are you filing things away into your “I suck” file (as my sister would say)? Ask yourself if you’ve really put forth 100% effort, consistently.

I feel lucky to have experienced an important life lesson when I was 14; that you really CAN achieve anything you set your mind to.

We don’t have any “skinny” in our genetics but growing up, my parents exposed us to everything and anything active – we were SO blessed to have parents that would give their right arm to make sure we could experience it all and experience the FAILURES that lead to success.

When we’d try something new like riding a motorcycle across up a steep narrow path or slalom skiing, we’d complain & whine that it was hard/IMPOSSIBLE and dad would always very calmly say………
“You’re fine.. try again”

So when I was 14 years old, someone said I should pursue dance with the city ballet company and audition when I was old enough – in 2 years; at age 16. At the time, I was involved in sports and only danced ballet in a small studio once or twice a week.


I was SHOCKED to hear someone suggest I take Ballet seriously at age 14- I knew others got serious at age 9 or 10. But when mom took me to the local city ballet company to audition for their “school” where the professional-hopefuls trained, they watched me dance and had a VERY different opinion and said I was NO WHERE NEAR ready to audition for the professional company in 2 yrs. They said I’d be placed with girls much younger than me and it would take at least 5 yrs before I’d be ready to audition for the Ballet company. They said no one has ever progressed from my existing level to professional in 2yrs – I was welcome to enroll as a student with the 10yr olds, but NOT to expect to dance with the ballet company. And they also said I was “too thick”.

I remembered my dad saying “don’t let anyone tell you you’re not capable of something”. And “no one thinks it’s possible until someone does it” .. This was the time to put those words to the test.

I decided to give up basketball and softball (and my social life) and go for it.

So it’s a long story and this is already too long :D, but basically I worked my a$$ off in that class with the 10yr olds (where I was already 5’5″ and looking like a grown woman towering over skinny little 4th graders), and stayed AFTER every class, every night, to dance for HOURS in a side studio that wasn’t being used; practicing over and over and over again… by myself. Mom would pick me up LATE at night – I was exhausted with bloody feet -and I usually didn’t have ANY of my homework done for the next day of school.

There were many times it looked like all my efforts were NOT paying off; I still had a LONG way to go and there were many unexpected roadblocks.


For example, that summer mom & dad said we were going to spend the summer at the lake instead. I knew all the other girls ALWAYS progressed leaps and bounds in the summer since summer classes required 4-5 hrs a day of dancing. So instead of giving up or resorting to the fact that i’d just fall further behind, I went to the local fire hall at the lake and cleared all the tables and stacked the chairs all by myself and practiced for HOURS in a hot humid room, everyday. I remember looking in the bathroom mirror there one day – drenched in sweat and blood seeping thru my toe shoes -and I remember thinking “this is EXHAUSTING & CRAZY… but what I’m learning and becoming from this is something bigger than the goal itself” …

Two years after that day I started pursing it, I auditioned for the ballet company. There were about 100 auditioning and only 3 newbies were needed. AND.. I was one of them.. I MADE IT! I had relatively no skill.. just discipline and consistency. I had done what others wouldn’t do.

My point with all of this is that you can’t expect to achieve great things unless you are willing to fight for it. You can’t wait for the right conditions, the right time, the right body and skills, and the right people to motivate and support you.
YOU have to be your #1 cheerleader and advocate!
YOU have to LEARN & APPLY the skills!

Success is 90% due to consistency and hard work – not talent, genetics, privileges, etc.

You can’t give up just because things get tough, no one understands, you are made fun of, you fail and embarrass yourself, your situation is tougher, you think you’re not as good as the others – you have to rise above all of it with an unstoppable belief in where you’re going.

You know that adrenaline of energy and strength you get when something or someone you love is at risk?? Find that adrenaline for the life project/goal/life you’re pursuing.

Maybe you expected it would be easier. Maybe you think others are experiencing success because it’s easier for them. That kind of thinking can sabotage your potential because the truth is, you have to work HARD and fight for it. Once you own that, you’ll soar!

What are you thankful for or celebrating today?

At first I was almost SICK about how nervous I was to be speaking in front of 25,000 people this morning. But now I realize I have a HUGE opportunity to inspire and help some Coaches gain clarity and succeed! For that.. I’m thankful!

find gratitude