
What’s for dinner??!

Whats for dinnerAny Thursday or Friday where we somehow dodge pizza is a win!!
Yes, sometimes it’s a to! But this was quinoa, white bean hummus, avocado, wild albacore tuna, & SALSA!!

Matt & T ate quinoa, steak & broccoli.
Yes, we sometimes are eating slightly different meals. What’s important in my book is that we all find ways to eat healthy foods we like!

High protein, healthy & quick!!

High proteinMatt made this for us for lunch & he didn’t plate it up all pretty but had to share!

High protein, healthy & quick!! Organic quinoa, wild caught tuna, tomatoes, chopped onion & avocado! If you don’t have tomatoes, add salsa. If you don’t have avocado, add hummus!

Daily Salad Challenge in a Wrap

Ezekiel wrap daily salad challengeOk so today, admittedly, I put my salad on an Ezekiel wrap! I just wanted some BREAD with it (& Ezekiel almost doesn’t count as bread). The ‪

DailySaladChallenge‬ wouldn’t be called a *challenge* if it were EASY to have a salad everrryday…. ‎keepinitreal‬
Btw, this has Spring Mix, avocado, salsa, turkey burger, sweet peppers, and I dipped it in nonfat-plain Greek yogurt (pretending to be Sour Cream )

Ezekiel Mini Pizza

Ezekiel Mini Pizza’s

Am I the only one that loves anything that even RESEMBLES pizza??

I still do need the real thing once in a great while (pizza is my fav) but this is a GREAT substitute!

I took an Ezekiel wrap, cut it into 4 pieces, placed on a cookie sheet & in the oven at 375 for like 5-10 minutes until the ends started to look crispy, then took it out to add:
Ezekiel Mini Pizza

  • Hummus
  • Salsa
  • Grilled Chicken
  • Sweet pepper slices
  • Greek Yogurt pretending to be sour cream
  • Shredded Cheese (lil splurge )
  • Black Olives

Put it in the oven for a few min’s to melt the cheese.

Omg, Yumm, right?!