
Let your purpose be bigger than your fear

I’ve come to learn some people don’t start in business (or other new venture) because they don’t want to be seen as a beginner.

They’re used to being comfortable or advanced/successful in what they do.

Learning something new is always awkward at first & the fear of what others will think while watching the early stumbles, is paralyzing for many.

The ONLY way I know to break free from that is to decide your purpose is bigger than your fear of judgement.

As Dr Seuss said “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind”

What to do when your desired outcome doesn’t happen

Sometimes what causes stress is the vision in our head that the outcome or path is supposed to look a certain way & when it doesn’t, stress or fear sets in.

If it’s in your control, prioritize it, problem-solve it, prepare for it, and pray. Let the rest fall into place – you’re doing your best & you’re not giving up!

If it’s not in your control, just pray and have Faith the outcome/path was the one that was meant for you, for reasons you may not understand yet. Give yourself time & grace to roll with it

It’s okay to protect your energy


I love this for my own reminder so I shared it with my team tonight & thought I’d share it with u all as well .

If you don’t protect your energy/happiness/mindset, you’ll also risk negatively impacting your health, your relationships, your fitness, your message, your self confidence & more.

Let go of the fear of judgment when you need to protect your energy

Keep Things Simple

I get stress, anxiety, fear, overwhelm like anyone else but one thing I have learned is to drown out negativity, excuses, & anything that may distract my top priorities that keep me happy & feeling balanced.

Know what you want, believe you can achieve it, pray about it, be a student who learns AND quickly applies even in the presence of fear, & don’t let others’ opinions deter you. I tend to WAY overthink things & then WAY UNDERthink other things!

But I’ve learned to keep things as SIMPLE as possible and protect my positive mindset more than ANYTHING & just be grateful

But that said, it honestly can FIRST get very complicated to keep things simple; i.e saying no, making sacrifices, taking chances, embracing the unknown, making changes in your schedule, ditching the need for perfectionism, making changes in your lifestyle, hiring help, etc., ..these are all very hard & complicated but sooooooo worth it to have the simple things in life that make you happy

No Regrets

Workout done !

Wasn’t in the mood to do it but more-so wasn’t in the mood to regret NOT doing it

Flashback to my teaching days

Flashback Monday to my teaching days
Yes, those chains were absolutely necessary!

Such great memories!

It was either a LOUD, dark #turbokick dance party or it was bootcamp, or “muscle madness” sweatsesh ..either way, I left DRENCHED in sweat & on a high!

But outside of that class, I was struggling trying to do it all –be a good mom, wife, employee, eat right, get enough sleep, etc.

Finally I realized I was just working harder, not smarter. I owe a lot to my sister for pretty blatantly pointing these things out to me

I initially stopped teaching due to a hamstring pull & wanting to focus on my BB Coachimg business more. I was working fulltime; demanding hours at the time & wanted to build my business to someday be a stay-at-home mom and fitness business owner, without the overhead, financial risk, major stress, and employees. I’m so happy I took that leap of faith and chose to have a Coach business.

I could go back to teaching at any point now, but idk… I actually LOVE the schedule-freedom that I have helping people online as a fitness coach from HOME! Too many times I was stressed out prepping for class or leaving what little family time I had, to go teach. I still REALLY LOVE all the people and the memories though

If you teach & love it, believe me, I get it! But kudos to you, because it’s a LOT of work & you have to do it purely out of love for it! And yes, I do still teach at coach events & with friends!!

You don’t gain anything from stressing

Really, what good does it do to stress/dwell on something?

Pray, do your best, and let the rest fall into place where it’s supposed to.

Thank you @ power of speech on IG for this simple truth!!

3 Things We Keep Forgetting…

3 things we keep forgetting…….

1. You are more capable than you’ll ever know;
2. Attitude is everything;
3. Anxiety should be replaced with gratefulness;

Feeling Accomplished

How late is TOO late to drink pre-workout & workout, in your world?

After 5+ hrs driving & an all day Lacrosse tournament in the cold, I just wanna eat dinner and sit by the fire. But I know if I just drink my pre-workout, I’ll take the 30-45min to workout (THEN eat dinner & sit by the fire🔥..feeling accomplished). Life choices!!😉👊🏼

Be In Tune With Your Body

What’s your workout today friends??

I’m trying some easy incline push-ups & some Lunges in the kitchen. I’m not myself yet but I think I’m ready for a light workout today or tomorrow👏🏼.

Always just do what you can & according to Doctors orders. Get out of the all or nothing mentality. If you’re injured or recovering from something, be in tune with your body and just do what makes sense. In most cases, using your muscles is good, so do something☝🏼