
Quick 15-Min Interval

What’s your favorite cross trainer shoe for these types of workouts?? Please share!

People ask me all the time but I’m not that helpful because I pretty much just stick to my Nike Epic Reacts but they’re technically a running shoe.
Anywayyys, here’s a quick 15-Min Interval.
But warm up first!☝🏼

3 ROUNDS⭕️⭕️⭕️
* 1 Min Jump Squats
* 1 Min Modified Burpee + Jack
* 1 Min Kettlebell Swing (I used 35#)
* 1 Min Weighted Sumo Squat Jumps
* 1 Min Front kick + Jack

Quick Full Body HIIT

Do you prefer videos with music or … is your sound usually off?

Here’s a quick full body HIIT I did!

Warning ⚠️ Go light on weights as you’ll do higher reps with this one. It takes about 15’ish minutes if you take a little “set up” break between drills:

1️⃣1 minute Barbell or dumbbell Push Presses (go light!)
2️⃣1 minute Barbell or dumbbell bent over row
3️⃣1 minute squatting side to side touching bench; other hand on thigh to support your back. Keep chest up
4️⃣1 minute push-ups moving to each side of bench
5️⃣1 minute squatting side to side (again)
6️⃣1 minute tricep push ups on knees (take breaks as needed)