“We are on the precipice of a HUGE boom!”

Bonnie Engle said last night & she’s SPOT ON! I love how she explained WHY each of the announcements is impactful.

Link below. Plz pass it on to your teams …

Those who WAIT for these new things to impact their biz *might* see a small uptick in business …

..but those who act NOW, are sure to be the ones who are our FUTURE star diamonds, Superstar Diamonds, new Legacy Club Members, etc because of the momentum this summer & fall can give their business! But it has to start NOW.

  • Building curiosity
  • Building relationships
  • Connecting with new people
  • Consistently showing up on social
  • Starting lists of names & emails who have interest in each thing
  • Following up with those PREVIOUSLY interested but didn’t commit
  • Following up with customers & discount coaches

This weeks NWC power hour is a great way to get started on the above!

I loved the WAVE analogy Bonnie gave! Are you going to let these innovations provide you a little upward bump in your business or are you paddling now?!