I loved this call!! Jennifer is SO authentic and I’m PUMPED for this program!!!
With 20 minute workouts 5 days a week, 4 weeks this program is SO DO-ABLE for people and EFFECTIVE!!
Normally I say don’t promote a program if it doesn’t suit you and your audience but I honestly think this is the type of program that suits MOST very well! Especially because if you like longer workouts there are tons of extra content she offers with bonus workouts and BODi !🔥
She says it’s not a beginner program but it IS “beginner-friendly” as she shows modifications.
View the video below and use the share by email button to share with others.
Please pass it along!
Also, I’ve included the launch tool created by Jace Lundgren.
Jace is the QUEEN👑 -a complete ANGEL for creating and sharing this!!
Print it and use it guys 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼💗💗💗
Plan to get the program and let your RESULTS be your momentum builder to 2022!! ⚡️ ⚡️ ⚡️
JOB 1 Launch Tool created by Jace Lundgren
Right click and save as on a desktop.