HOLY GUACAMOLE! This training was 🔥
“Knowing and growing your Instagram numbers are NOT the same thing as knowing and growing your BUSINESS.”
I can attest to that!!☝🏼I’ve had RECORD growth on my IG and that has NOT translated to record growth in my business.
Because this business is built on actual connections, relationships and helping others, NOT likes, views and follows 💯
“Serve those ALREADY at your table FIRST”
“Do you have 1 toe in this business? Does 1 toe in serve you well in relationships? at work? In your fitness journey?”
NO. One toe in with ANYTHING leaves us frustrated, spinning our wheels, spiraling confidence, & diminished belief!
When Trina Gray joined me as a Coach, she initially had 1 toe in and if that’s you… that’s ok – you can still jump in & crush this -just put her tips into ACTION 😉🙌🏼
So many other truth bombs plus JOB1 tips!
This team training a MUST -LISTEN.
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