
Beachbody familySomeone asked me if this was a Beachbody trip and no, we are all just friends on vacation with our families ..but we ARE all Beachbody coaches, even our husbands (everyone except Bret & my sister because Chalene can’t, since she’s a Beachbody celebrity trainer & has her own business anyway).

There’s no doubt about it none of us could’ve just picked up & booked a spontaneous family vacation like this if we were all still in our previous careers. It took time, consistency, belief & passion over the course of years, but SO worth it! And we love what we do anyway!

Post Workout BlissBeach_PIYOPost workout bliss!! Is there anything better than being DONE with your workout in the morning??

I hate to have it hang over my head all day🙎🏼 Today we did shoulders, then a 15-20min HIIT, then PiYo with my sis🌴

Check out my Facebook page for more fun pictures and videos from our trip. This account gets a little off the fitness subject because sometimes just share life.

I actually hope my account inspires others to live a *balanced* life as much as a fit, purposeful & ambitious one!

Us girls are doing a “what does coaching entail?” private group to fill you in on this awesome Business if you’re considering joining one of us. Comment here with “I’m in” if you’d like me to message you the link & you don’t have a coach you’re already working with.

And of course..Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income. Success is based on your own individual efforts over time.