We cannot take our health or life for granted
Sooo sore today from doing my own leg day workout (search #jenelleslegday on IG) with Jen yesterday that when I did Turbo 40, I had to force myself to make it thru even 20 minutes
& then I figured that was good enough cardio for the day.
I just wanted to at least be warmed up enough to do a massive stretch sesh. My glutes felt like they had metal plates in them & my legs felt like bricks
I wanted to stop 5 minutes in but then I thought of all the exercisers out there who are injured, handicapped, have genetic debilitating conditions, are recovering from something, etc & they fight thru it. So I just did what I could. I can only IMAGINE what some people go thru daily.
I talked to an incredible woman last night who suffers DAILY to do the most minor things, but she still modifies thru her BB workouts – such an inspiration! It’s like my dad, he lost his leg in a motorcycle accident; things we do daily will always be a struggle for him. But he doesn’t complain & he does SO much!
I’m just reminding myself & others, we really CANNOT take any part of our health or life for granted. It’s true that what you take for granted daily, someone else is praying for.