Who gets nighttime cravings?
Holding one of my loves… a chocolate fat bomb !
Tell me, who gets nighttime cravings like it’s your job??
It’s not that you CAN’T eat at night. I’m just referring to bad choices & eating for the wrong reasons before bed.
I get it. I dealt with it for years! I still have cravings & I still cave sometimes but I’ve learned how to deal with it BETTER & more consistently.
Low carb dinner so insulin & cravings aren’t spiked
Dinner & done. Walk away. Give it time to digest
Hot drink (decaf coffee, tea or bone broth)
Chocolate “Fat Bomb” (doesn’t spike my insulin which would shut down fat burning)
Turning to the little things that make me feel happy/relaxed/comforted versus comfort FOODS
If this was helpful, share it and/or please let me know below